
Leave Rules

  • The types of leave which students may take include official leave, personal leave, sick leave, marriage leave, prenatal leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, miscarriage leave, parental leave, menstrual leave and bereavement leave.
  • A student is required to complete the leave procedure with supporting documents in advance for official leave, personal leave (including marriage leave, prenatal leave, paternity leave and parental leave) and bereavement leave except short notices, unexpected circumstances or administration delay (no personal excuses are allowed). In the case of any exception aforementioned, the student may complete the leave procedure within 3 days after return. No leave procedure is required for official leave (Official Leave Form will be used instead).
  • Sick leave (including maternity leave, miscarriage leave and menstrual leave) shall be reported in advance (or a student’s condition shall be checked by the homeroom teacher) and the student shall complete the leave procedure within 3 days after return (a medical receipt or parental supporting document is required for a sick leave up to 2 days and a medical certificate is required for a sick leave for 3 or more consecutive days).
  • Leave Procedure:
    • Fill out the leave card with a reason and leave time.
    • Attach supporting documents and a parent’s signature.
    • Obtain the signature from the homeroom teacher who will review the leave reason, time and supporting documents (signature date and time are required).
    • Obtain the signature from the responsible military instructor who will check if the leave request is submitted in time.
    • Submit the leave request to the head of student assistance section, the dean of student affairs and the principal for necessary approval depending on the number of leave days.
    • After Office of Student Affairs provides the stamp on the leave card, the part-time staff will put it back to the cell of the class where the student belongs to. The class deputy leader shall return it to the student for storage.
  • The following approval is required for a leave: the homeroom teacher for a leave up to 2 days, the head of student assistance section for a leave of 3 days, the dean of student affairs for a leave up to 6 days and the principal for a leave more than 6 days.
  • A student is required to request a leave and complete the leave procedure by the deadline specified. A warning will be issued (by the responsible military instructor) for a delay of leave request.
  • A student may fill out Temporary Leave Form to take a special leave during school time. The class leader (or deputy leader) and the homeroom teacher (or the instructor at the moment if the homeroom teacher is unavailable) shall provide their signatures. The nurse of the health center shall determine if the leave is necessary based on the student’s health condition and provide the signature. The form shall be submitted to Military Instruction Office to obtain a leave card. The student may leave the school once the security guard receives and verifies the leave card. Leave without following relevant rules will be considered an unauthorized absence. The student still needs to complete the leave procedure after return if the special leave is authorized.
  • Late arrival or early dismissal shall be reported to the homeroom teacher, the instructor at the moment and the military instructor for approval or supporting documents from the health center shall be submitted in order to complete the leave procedure after return. If no prior approval is granted, it will be unauthorized late arrival, early dismissal or absence.
  • Students shall check the weekly record of Attendance and Class Absence Sheet. If there are any inaccurate records, the student shall submit the leave card and supporting documents to student assistance section of Office of Student Affairs within 3 days for correction with the class deputy leader. No late submission will be accepted.
  • Any personal, sick or maternity leave taken due to pregnancy during registration or exam period may be approved with a medical (diagnosis) certificate. Leaves for unexpected circumstances in order to taking care of babies may also be approved.
  • A student is allowed to take menstrual leave for 1 day every month.
  • Bereavement Leave:
    • Bereavement leave is approved for the loss of a relative within the third degree of relationship (7 days for the loss of a parent and 5 days for the loss of a grandparent, brother or sister). Personal leave may be taken for the loss of anyone from the rest of the relatives.
    • Supporting documents (obituary) are required for bereavement leave. If a student knows the date of the funeral in advance, the procedure for bereavement leave shall be completed prior to the funeral.
  • No personal leave can be taken during midterm or final exam period. A makeup exam will only be provided if the relevant documents are submitted regardless of the number of days of sick leave and the approval from the head of teaching (registration) section and the dean of academic affairs are obtained according to the makeup exam regulations for midterm/final exams.
  • The rules are approved at Student Affairs Meeting and School Affairs Meeting and become effective upon the principal’s approval. Amendments to the rules shall follow the same procedure. For any leave not stated herein, Office of Student Affairs may verify the leave with the parent or obtain supporting documents to ask for approval from the principal in order to complete the leave procedure on a case-by-case basis.