
Classroom Rules

  • When the school bell rings, students shall enter the classroom immediately. No late arrival or early dismissal without permission is allowed.
  • The teacher in charge shall enter the classroom first at the beginning of a class period and students shall stay in their seats until the teacher dismisses the class and leaves the classroom.
  • The class leader shall say “Stand up” aloud and all students shall follow the class leader’s order to stand up and greet the teacher respectfully. The teacher will respond to greeting and ask students to sit down. The same greeting process shall be done when the class is dismissed.
  • When the teacher takes attendance, students shall stand up and say “Yes” in a clear and loud voice respectfully and kindly.
  • Students shall stay focused or take note in class. Do not talk to and laugh with other students, turn or read other books, fall asleep, eat, use phones or engage in any other disruptive behaviors.
  • Students shall prepare necessary textbooks and stationery items and place bags and clothes in the designated area prior to class.
  • Students shall stand up to answer questions and raise their hands for permission to stand up and ask questions. Questions can be raised until the teacher explains for a certain amount of time.
  • Any student who is late due to an accident shall say “Report” aloud and enter the classroom after the teacher allows the student to do so.
  • Students shall stay in their seats originally assigned and shall not enter or leave the classroom without permission. Students must ask for permission to leave their seats for special circumstances.
  • Students can only bring school supplies to the classroom. Other items and electric appliances are not allowed in the classroom.
  • Students shall not write on or attach anything to the blackboard at will. The student shall erase the blackboard once the class is dismissed.
  • Students shall keep the classroom clean and shall not spit or throw trash anywhere in the classroom or all over the place.
  • If the teacher does not show up in the first 5 minutes, the class leader shall contact Office of Academic Affairs.
  • If it is self-study time or the teacher is absent, students shall follow rules to maintain class order and review lessons. Leaving the classroom without permission or making noise is not allowed.
  • Every student of the class has an obligation to take turns managing and cleaning the classroom.
  • Properties in the classroom shall be handled with care. Class treasurer shall keep these properties safe and return them back to Office of General Affairs at the end of a semester. Anyone who causes damage to properties shall pay compensation.
  • Students shall keep their clothes neat in class. Wearing casual clothes (home clothing) and taking off socks are not allowed.